How You can help
Hope for the Children


Become A Donor

Your tax deductible donation is welcomed and needed. Donations are 100% tax deductible since Hope for the Children is a recognized 501c-3 charity, an official tax exempt non-profit organization.

At Hope for the Children every cent of your tax deductible donation goes directly to help those in need. All administrative costs, which are kept to a minimum are absorbed by the director.

Please take a moment to see all the ways you can help below.

Checks can be made payable to:
“Hope for the Children Foundation”

Send to:
Hope For The Children Foundation
90-21 Springfield Blvd.
Queens Village NY 11428

Digital / Online Donation
Online donations can be made through Venmo by clicking here.

Online donations can be made through mobile or desktop via Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal, Bank Transfer, and CC here.

Direct bank transfer via Zelle to the Hope For The Children Foundation phone number at 718-479-2594.

Social Media

Join our Facebook community.

Beneficiary Donation
Hope For The Children Foundation, Inc., 9021 Springfield Blvd, Queens Village NY, 11428. (718) 479-2594. Tax ID: 11-3343580

Join Club 22
Inspired by a 6 yr. old girl who gave us $22.00, all her allowance money to help the poor children of the world; we take up an annual collection matching her donation for the cause of ending poverty. She has since gotten her whole family to give and sent us $77.00. Will you match their generous hearts & get your friends and family to do the same? Contribute to Club 22 with a tax deductible donation today.

Send to:
Hope For The Children Foundation
c/o Club 22
90-21 Springfield Blvd.
Queens Village NY 11428

Buy & Sell Bracelets
Through our “Performing Life project” in Bolivia our street & poor youth there are making a better life, and lifting their families out of poverty by making bracelets. HFC needs people in the US willing to sell the bracelets at their school, church or at craft fairs and festivals. This is a great help for the Bolivian youth since there is no market for their work where they live. Click here to view a video about how bracelet sales help those in need.

Participate in our Gleanings Project
Donate your unwanted Books (in perfect condition only)

We sell them on & proceeds go directly into the HFC account.

Drop them off inside the back porch anytime (90-21 Springfield Blvd. QV, NY 11428) or give them to Tony when you see him.

Look for or create opportunities to raise funds:

  • Benefit shows
  • Dress down days @ work
  • Employer matching funds
  • Rich relatives and friends
  • Weddings, memorials etc.

Keep in your prayers…

  • The children that HFC supports around the world & our grassroots partners that do the work
  • Those afflicted by natural disasters.
  • Conversion of hearts
  • Genocide  & mass murder victims
  • Those impacted by war
  • Refugees- millions worldwide
  • World national & religious leaders
  • Those afflicted by hunger, poverty & disease all across the earth
  • A greater hunger for justice
  • An end to racial & religious intolerance
  • Personal & planetary spiritual awakening & enlightenment
  • Peace among all the world’s nations & religions